Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Sweet Miracle

Our sweet Judson was finally born on Friday, February 12, 2010 weighing 8lbs 5oz and was 21in long. We are so excited to have him here in person and part of our family!!!! The process of him getting here though was not an easy one.

My labor and delivery with both my girls were pretty quick and easy, so of course I figured my third would be just as fast if not faster. Boy was I wrong!!! I had been having contractions for days but they just wouldn't stay consistent. Finally on Thursday about 11:00am they started getting stronger and were getting closer together. So about 2:00pm we headed to the hospital. When we got there I was just a 1, but I knew with my girls once I started I would just go quick. They "observed" me for 2 hours and by the end of the observation time I was a 3 so they decided to keep me. I was thinking I would have a baby in the middle of the night. A few hours later they checked again and I was still a 3! I stayed a 3 for about 15 hours!!!! It was miserable and so disappointing. Finally about 10:00am Friday I started moving along and by 2:00 I was about a 5 and then by 2:20 I was a 7. Not 5 min later I knew it was time and was very ready to push. They said I had to wait 5 min for my doctor and I didn't think there was any way I could do that, but after helping me breathe through that 5 min (that seemed like hours) my doctor arrived and it was time!!!

He was right there so I knew I wouldn't have to push but a couple times and with my girls I only had to push once or twice so I knew it wouldn't be long. After about 2 pushes his head came out but when it did so did a TON of meconium. I could see the concern on my doctors face and the urgency to get him out. I started to push again but he was face down and his shoulders were straight instead of turned so it was very difficult to get him out and my doctor was trying to get him out as quickly as possible.

He finally came out and my doctor noticed that he had an extremely short cord. She tried to lay him on me but he could barely reach. While they were cutting the cord I noticed that he was extremely blue, almost black and they couldn't get him to cry. As soon as the cord was cut they rushed him to the bed in front where the baby's nurses were. He still wasn't crying. I started to panic.

They proceeded to bag him but it didn't work, the tried to put tubes down him but couldn't even get them down. Then they started CPR and the next thing I knew they called in the specialist and she immediately called for Code Blue and yelled for a crash cart. Johnny and I just sat there watching the whole thing sobbing and scared to death, thinking we were gonna lose our sweet Judson. The seconds seemed like hours! I couldn't even tell you how long it actually went on because it seemed like forever. We were just both praying that the Lord would save Judson and make him breathe! As soon as they walked in with the crash cart we heard the most beautiful noise ever....he finally cried! It wasn't a big cry but it was a cry! They continued to work on him and we continued to pray. As they worked on him, his cries got louder and stronger and his color began to return. The Lord had saved our precious baby boy!!!!

After awhile they told us that my short cord was just like a baby coming out with the cord wrapped around their neck. That as he came out the cord was stretched therefore cutting off all oxygen. Then he swallowed the meconium that came out with him and his lungs were filled with the fluid.

Words can't even describe how scary it was for us to watch and to see our baby like that, but we are so grateful for a God that is sovereign and takes care of us. Within seconds of Judson's birth he got to be a miracle and have an incredible testimony to share of how great our God is!!!

He is doing great now! You would never know anything went wrong and we are so grateful that he is here and is part of our family. We are so thankful that God would bless us with such wonderful children!!!!

Our Girls

Our Girls
Addie and Haylie